MON - THUR: 8.00AM - 6:00PM

About the study

Alzheimer’s Clinical Trial

The purpose of the clinical trial is to evaluate if a new investigational drug is safe and effective in improving symptoms of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.


The investigational drug is designed to boost and repair a regenerative pathway for brain cells, promoting brain health and function.


Screening Visit

You and your caregiver will participate in a screening visit to determine your eligibility for study participation.


This visit will include a comprehensive overview of medical history, medications, medical conditions, cognitive assessments, physical/neurological exam, vital signs, ECG, and a blood draw.

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To Be Eligible


Age 55 to 85 years.
Reliable and capable support person/caregiver, who is willing to attend all appointments and accept responsibility for supervising the treatment or, if required, administering study drug.
Subjects must be capable of giving signed informed consent, which includes compliance with the requirements and restrictions needed for participation.
Subjects must be in generally good health as assessed by the study doctor’s physical/neurological examination and screening safety assessments.

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